1995 – “Dial T for Trivia” Synopsis

The mid-1990s was a time of transitory technology for radio and KVSC. Challenges were recorded on reel-to-reel tape and then dubbed onto carts (8 track style cartridges) for On-Air playback. While they didn’t know it this was the first year of the Goat Posse.

Since the Posse were complete noobs on the challenge line, there was little attention paid to archiving as they had not yet realized that “this Trivia thing” would become part of the fabric of their lives.

The Posse did have fun with the callers and on-air folk by providing a Kenny Loggins-Glen Frey hit parade primer. They also fielded a call from a person who was 11 years too early for the Trivia Idol contest but she did modify a Grease song in true Hamster fashion.

By this time, Captain F. had only been in volunteer radio for two years and his production skills were still developing. When listening back, you will find that the producers (Captain F.) still had some things to learn about sound levels, mic position and technique, mixing and editing. Since Trivia was still a curiosity, the Posse stood in awe of the production volunteers that came before and soaked up their every flourish.

Many of the productions during this time were saved on cassette tapes and copies dubbed to others and saved in boxes that were moved from place to place as various Posse members got on with their lives. All this affected the quality of the recordings, its nostalgia down to the last detail.

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