The Goat Posse featured a cargo bay full of creative talent that produced some high quality and fierce productions.
The intro was again another team effort with multiple Goats working together to assemble aspects of the audio piece. A considerable amount of prep work was performed by Coco in the weeks before, downloading or recording audio clips. Wildman reprised his role as “Quote Order King” arranging over one hundred in an order that would make sense.
The first audio clips would not be put down on the multitrack audio canvas until five days before the contest but it all fell into place fast; much faster than anticipated and it still turned out spectacular. Now, that truly maybe an oddity.
- 2013 – Intro – “A Space Oddity”
The Space theme was not about Sci-Fi or anything along those lines. It was about science and space exploration, and a little oddity. How do you cover a theme that is as vast as space itself? You start with one of the most respected astrophysicists of our time Neil Degrasse-Tyson.
Continue reading → - 2013 – Intro – A Space Oddity (Air-check version)
We like to present this version of the Intro since it is produced to generate excitement for the trivia players. We hope you feel the same excitement after hearing how it sounded LIVE.
Continue reading → - YIR: A Space Oddity
When drifting through 50 hours of space, especially when alone you, sometimes hear things. Its possible you might hear a request from a kind gentleman to “let me shirt you” or an unsuspecting on-air announcer might get Rickrolled.
Continue reading → - 2013 Goat Posse Awards
Don’t think we’re paying attention? Just because we may not answer the phone doesn’t mean we don’t notice what you have been up to. During the Trivia Awards ceremony, The Goat Posse gives out awards of their own for such things best and worst Challenge, best and worst team name, and a few others when participants distinguish themselves in a unique way.
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- Challenge: Phone Bank Captain’s Log
Just like when Al Bundy talks about his high school football days, The Goat Posse remembers fondly how successful a Challenge Line call-in contest like Trivia Idol in 2008 and the Trivia Haiku contest in 2009 can be.
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- Final Trivia Frontier Promo
KVSC needs over 100 volunteers each year to staff the contest. The Phone bank is staffed for 50 hours and has upwards of 25-30 phones, which means that is a lot of people needed to help; especially during the 6-9 a.m. shift on Sunday morning. The Goat Posse is happy to provide creative energy to help herd…er…recruit volunteers to help with answer phones and other duties. Here is this year’s effort.
Continue reading → - Quotes From The Colon II
Who knew that a relationship based on tonsils and tongues would create such glorious comedy. Bear and Phal, the Donny and Marie of radio trivia contest ancillary input wrote, voiced, and produced a skit that involves bathroom humor, but avoids the sophomoric undertones.
Continue reading → - God Made Trivia
The Goat Posse loves a good spoof and with the Super Bowl falling in close proximity to Trivia, many ideas have been gleaned from those multimillion dollar spots that were fresh in the goats minds. The first Super Bowl related spoof was from 1998 during Trivia Sells Out, pivoting off Nike’s “I Can” spot.
Continue reading → - Yip Yips Answer Phones
The Yip Yips decided to grace us with their presence this year. They were even gracious enough to spend some time in the phone bank. Unfortunately they weren’t always well received by some of the teams calling in answers. We had the full-time services of two voice actors, Phal and Bear.
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- Goat Posse PSA (Unedited)
- Goat Posse PSA (Air Version)
The Trivia radio show “Safe Harbor” is just that, a safe time of the broadcast day the FCC designates where terrestrial broadcast outlets may air marginal content that would invite a fine if aired at any other time. During Trivia that time is 1 to 3 a.m. Sunday morning.
Continue reading → - Trivia Night News
This production started like many Goat Posse bits seem to start, with a random piece of audio, and the quest to find a way to present it on the air. Iowa Jeff had recently interviewed members of the Shake-A-Hamster Band during which they sung a goofy line in harmony.
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- Major Digression (Clean)
Everyone is familiar with Lonely Island for their original works of straight-faced comedic songs like “I Just Had Sex” and “Jack Sparrow”. The Hip Hop Division of The Goat Posse loves to spoof a spoof, because we never have an original thought. The HHD followed up their 2011 hit “I just had Corn” with “Major Digression” a rewrite of “Jack Sparrow”.
Continue reading → - Major Digression
The Goat Posse holds nothing back, except when it might get KVSC in trouble if its heard on the airwaves. So while the clean version was aired during Trivia, we have made available our unadulterated version here. While we stand by our masterpiece; there are so many twists and turns in the lyrics, we have presented the script here so you won’t miss each example of the frustrating time suck known as a Major Digression.
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- Yip Yip Interview (from UTVS)
Dude and his Mrs. in the alternate world are primo costume makers and would win contests every Halloween, if they entered. Mrs. Dude, cognizant of the theme, used the interwebs to find simple directions on how to make Yip Yip puppets from Sesame Street fame.
Continue reading → - Goat Posse Boarding Party
The Goat Posse is not shy about its looks, even if they are horrendous. UTVS really brought their game this year with an incredible TV set that basically mirrored the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Gary Z, the ubiquitous gadfly of trivia was trying to fill his last UTVS trivia segment late on Friday when a Goat Posse Boarding Party Attacked.
Captain F., Wireless Mic, and J-Mont-G, airline pilots in the alternate world, led the charge and captured the bridge and the hearts of viewers everywhere.
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- Interview: Astronaut Clayton C. Anderson
A gal on a trivia team, knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows Astronaut Clay Anderson. Mr. Anderson retired from NASA in January 2013 and was planning the first few days of his new life so he took a few moments to speak with Capt F. during the Trivia Edition of KVSC’s Newswatch program.
Continue reading → - Astronaut Clayton C. Anderson Asks a Question
Its possible that KVSC’s Trivia Contest is a Black Hole. Highly accomplished and reputable Astronaut Clay Anderson appeared on KVSC’s airwaves during a serious news program to talk about his exploits. However, not even his bonafides could keep him from being sucked into recording a trivia question that would be asked later on the air.
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[…] family, and there is room for everybody. Click on the link below for a sample of one of their Super Bowl commercial spoofs. Or you can visit the "Goat Posse's" website for […]