2002 – “Trivia Tube” Synopsis

The Intro would set the stage for one of the classic challenges put forth since the mid 1990s.  More on that later.  The TV quotes or quotes about the medium were not hard to find.  Captain F. and Wildman would use a historical timeline to layout the theme for Trivia players.  Captain F.’s crush on the music from the film Run Lola Run provides insight into why most of the beds were gleaned from the soundtrack.

The Posse fielded typical, but quality challenges about snowball fights, a challenge from a local business, and a moon walking race.  The snowball fight challenge has been done many times before but some lucky team that answered the call from Cabin Creek Coffee was rewarded handsomely.  As for the moon walking race, we’re not sure of the outcome but the audio from that call would return in 2010 as part of  a promo for Trivia.  In 2010 the contest expanded for the second time from three to five stations in MN and WI.  The moon walking race audio was seen as a key clip to demonstrate to listeners outside of the normal trivia sphere what Trivia, KVSC style, is all about.

What wasn’t used in that 2010 promo, but was the best challenge since the Lake George Streaking challenge, was the Erotic Pickle Eating contest. The Neo-Maxi Zoomdweebies have always been good challenge line contributors and this year they brought an idea to the steps of Stewart Hall that changed Sunday afternoons in February…or at least that day in 2002.  Whatever the result, it was thematic as UTVS did send a camera to capture the oral engorging efforts.

Although it was never intended to be, Snowman Largess (Remix) became the weekend in review piece; and it turned out to be a damn good one.

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