Hour 27 Question 1 Jeff Skiles Audio Triva

Capt. F, through his affiliation with the EAA, found Jeff Skiles of US Airways Flight 1549 fame sitting across from him at his desk a week before Trivia. Capt. F briefly explained the Trivia phenomenon and Skiles agreed to read a question for the contest. Skiles recorded the question that day and Capt F. brought the question with him to Trivia.

Capt F. convinced the question writers to slot the question during Hour 27. The Goat Posse hosts Hours 27-30 on the air during every trivia. Capt F. and J-Mont-G are both professional pilots and host an aviation themed Hour 27. (at least in costume) The Skiles question was the first of the hour and was worth 60 points. Of the 67 teams playing only 24 answered correctly, (35%) which is the percentage that question writers aspire to when shaping their questions.