
You like the movie “Toys”? Imagine if Jordan Peele got a crack at the script. This would be the soundtrack. Sleep well!

Producer: Coco, Cougar Bait
Vocals: Honey Trap, Oates
Lyrics: Oates, Honey Trap, Drrrty A

The thing keeps giving me looks
Hiding in crannies and nooks
Why would I want to play with this ghoul?
It causes more fear than fun
I think I might have to run
To entertain would make me a fool

Because it’s gonna attack
As soon as I turn my back
I count the seconds I’m with this fiend
I swear that if I’m found dead
The monster’s under my bed
Please take out the double A batteries

I said, oh, Furbies they scare the livin’ shit out of me
Talkin’ at night, while everyone is asleep
A pointy beak nose, and its blood thirstiness grows
It’s going to bite at my throat while I dream

You’ll think it’s probably a trick
Some type of immature shtick
It’s just a toy for some stupid kids
I think the devil’s inside
We won’t make it out alive
For god’s sake why won’t you get rid of it

I said, oh speak and spells scare the livin’ shit out of me
Screeching out words it knows I can’t even read
A demonic box; I might hit it with a rock
It’s tryin’ to turn me into a machine
Help me!

I said oh, Troll Dolls they scare the livin’ shit out of me
Pointy ass hair; they’re always smiling with glee
Where are their clothes? Their belly button jewel shows
They’re gonna chew all the toes off my feet

For the love of god!

Jolly Chimps scare the livin’ shit out of me
Crashing cymbals, the noise is always ringing
My ears start to bleed as beady eyes stare at me
It’s gonna rip off my face; wait and see

My Buddy scares the livin’ shit out of me
Follows behind, like I’m it’s prey or something
Keeps me on my toes; he might stab me in the nose
I think it’s stealing my soul; please help me!