YIR: LITerally Trivia – A Novel Idea


The year in review has always been look back over what was notably broadcast on the air throughout the contest. In the Challenge Line days, there was plenty of audio to fill up the production. Some notable YIRs are this, this, and this one. Since the teams are no longer phoning into the challenge line there was no way to get their voices into the YIR. A pandemic always spurs innovation……and the new phone system records all calls, primarily for point disputes. BUT, it also provides an opportunity for phone bank workers to flag fun calls for the Posse to exploit. Additionally, we would use On-air audio that was memorable.

This year KVSC’s audio skimmer was INOP and thus we were missing a key piece that normally fed the production. Enter House of Insanity, one of several teams that records all On-Air audio during the contest. The team sent the Posse their audio and we are forever grateful; we even gave them an award! HoI, this YIR is dedicated to you!