2020 Awards Ceremony – UTVS Broadcast


Every once in awhile, we include a quick backstory of the Trivia Awards, started at some point in the first or second decade of Trivia. They reached a creative nadir with Al Neff and Patrick Jaye. The Goat Posse at first started helping with the writing of the awards in the 2000s, and eventually took over full-time responsibility after being apprenticing under Al and Patrick.

When the Challenge Line was more of a central part of the contest, the Trivia awards reflected that in the categories. As social media blossomed, the Challenge Line became a casualty of time. Now the awards recognize memes, twitter posts, and other interactions among the teams and Trivia staff.

In 2020, there was the end of the Great Phone Bank Bacon Strike of 2019, something about the Era Before Menopause, a discovery that Quaker Oats may put out, every year someone wants some meat, and never having to justify what to do with your balls. Want more explanation? You might as well watch.

Plus, we exalt at the induction of Drrrty A into the Trivia Hall of Fame in the Volunteer category.

Video courtesy of UTVS

*The Goat Posse Awards begin at 12:30
*Drrrty A is inducted into the KVSC Trivia Hall of Fame at 25:36