El Cancer Trailer

This one is really special to all of us. If you time-travel through the web pages of Goat Posse Productions you will hear the voice of Phal in many of the productions. His voice skills are vast and you may have noticed he has a talent for voice acting which makes sense as he is a veteran of community theater for over 30 years and even has several film credits.

The charter members of The Goat Posse all met in 1991. It was the Frosh year of Capt. F and Phal who were roommates in W.W. Holes Hall (since demolished). They lived on the fifth floor which was overseen by Resident Advisor Dude. Wildman was living on the third floor and was a 2nd-year transfer and high school classmate of Dude. Much of the seminal creativity of the Posse was seeded in that year and would sprout a few years later. (See A brief history of…)

Needless to say, we are all dear friends and when Phal told us last year he was fighting cancer we were all very concerned. Especially since Dude received a diagnosis of cancer within the same month. El Cancer is Phal’s requiem for his experience battling the disease, which at the time of its production had not been completely vanquished. We are happy to report that both Phal and Dude are cancer-free and up to full tensile strength which is good or bad depending on your interpretation.

Please enjoy “El Cancer” knowing that it’s closely based on a true story.

Produced by: Cobby
Voice Talent: Bear, Oates, FoP BigJoe, FoP Lindsey
Writers: Bear, Phal