2020½ – Intro – “U Can’t Touch This”

The Goat Posse saw the Trivademic coming, but only had about two weeks to prepare. However, we love a deadline and the Intro is one thing we have practice at doing while not all-together in one nasty, dusty, smelly production pen. Led by Drrrty A and CoCo an Intro outline was organized and producers signed up. The piece, like the contest, was to be shortened but still have all the elements except ‘Sexy Time’ which just didn’t quite fit here both in time and topic.

Cobby and Dubs returned to help out along with FoP Alan who produced a section for the first time! As mentioned in our 2020 section, Phal was at full strength, and once we got him to finally stop tossing he provided the toss to the hosts.

Producers: CobbyCoco, Dubs, Drrrty A, FoP Alan
Voice Talent: Phal