This was a surreal time for The Goat Posse and Trivia players and volunteers all-together. To conceive, prep, and hold a KVSC-style trivia contest in two weeks was both challenging and exhilarating. For the Posse, it required supreme effort. Normally Posse prep happens at home with final preparations occurring on-site once elements of the Posse arrive a day or two prior.
This year all prep had to be done remotely. Additionally, CocCo and Drrrty A had additional duties related to the unique nature of the contest configuration. CoCo worked with Number 2, Pissboy, and others to create the video elements that are usually handled by UTVS.
- 2020½ – Intro – “U Can’t Touch This”
The Goat Posse saw the Trivademic coming, but only had about two weeks to prepare. However, we love a deadline and the Intro is one thing we have practice at doing while not all-together in one nasty, dusty, smelly production pen. Led by Drrrty A and CoCo an Intro outline was organized and producers signed up. The piece, like the contest, was to be shortened but still have all the elements except ‘Sexy Time’ which just didn’t quite fit here both in time and topic.
Cobby and Dubs returned to help out along with FoP Alan who produced a section for the first time! As mentioned in our 2020 section, Phal was at full strength, and once we got him to finally stop tossing he provided the toss to the hosts.
Producers: Cobby, Coco, Dubs, Drrrty A, FoP Alan
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Voice Talent: Phal - 2020½ – Intro – “U Can’t Touch This” (Air-Check Version)
This version of the intro is the same as the original but you get to hear how it sounded on-air live as the contest began.
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- Baby Quarantine
Honey Trap returns to present another cut in his Baby Trivia series. This time he implores players to practice safe Trivia. We can tell the whole “Safer-At-Home” thing is getting to us all, HT sounds a little in the bunker as he sings. Outside of the Trivia Intro, this is probably the first if not, one of the first productions since “Call The Challenge Line” in 2000 and “Love Stink” in 2009 that was not produced at KVSC in the vicinity of the contest.
Continue reading → - Dr. Beard’s BSA
Dr. Beard. Photo Credit:
Dr. Beard, a trivia fixture, has rocketed to extreme Trivia relevance in the age of COVID-19. His haired visage lends outsized credibility to what he has to say about beard care for those of you new to this body image choice.
We recommend you listen on because he has a lot to say about diet, designated shower days, proper mayonnaise use, the specific application of an Angkorian Dragon to follicle health, and 1970s Hungarian trance.
Intrigued? That is the embodiment of Dr. Beard.
Producer: Skinny D
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Voice Actor: FoP Dr. Beard, Cougar Bait - *DON’T* Touch My Junk
CoCo is just a flat-out, lecherous tease. In 2010 he WANTED everyone to “Touch My Junk“. Now he says NOT to do this. Plus, he is trying to elicit pity from us that even though she has permission, his wife won’t even touch his junk. So let’s continue what we all have already been doing and avoid touching CoCo’s nasty junk.
Voice Actor: Coco
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Producer: Cobby
Writers: Princess Buttercup, Honey Trap - Alone ***Web Exclusive***
This COVID mess can really scramble how we communicate with each other. It’s important to check-in regularly with our friends to make sure they are not, ‘Alone’. Pissboy plays an unknown character who is called by his friend “Steve-o” (played by Bear) who interacts using only lyrics from an overwrought but robust 80s song and the excellent use of an FFT filter.
Producer: Pissboy
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Voice Talent: Bear, Pissboy - CDC Customer Service ***Web Exclusive***
Considering the wide range of information given out at White House COVID press briefings you can imagine what kind of calls come into the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Okay, you don’t have to imagine it, we did it for you. Let’s just say Siracha, unusual sensations, and of course aliens are common currency. At this point, the CDC and local health departments sound a lot like the DMV which we also imagined for you. Checkout Pirate at DMV and Challenges Only! for other classic call-in frustrations.
Producers: Cobby, Oates
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Voice Talent: Dubs, FoP Tessa, Oates, Honey Trap, Bear, Cobby, Coco
Writers: Cobby