God Made Trivia

The Goat Posse loves a good spoof and with the Super Bowl falling in close proximity to Trivia, many ideas have been gleaned from those multimillion dollar spots that were fresh in the goats minds. The first Super Bowl related spoof was from 1998 during Trivia Sells Out, pivoting off Nike’s “I Can” spot.

This year, an ad featuring Paul Harvey “God Made a Farmer” was ripe for the picking…get it? Farmer…picking? Anyway…The Posse thought through exactly what reasons God would have to make a radio-based trivia contest. Reasons like:

“I need someone strong enough to let 200 people, a nocturnal house band and a tribe of goats into their studios.”


“I need someone who can recall ten different types of yarn and ten creative uses for string cheese, make a bong with an apple, a straw and a 3/16 inch socket and still have the strength to go on a Sconnie run Sunday morning.”

On second thought, maybe God did not make trivia…

Producer: Drrrty A
Voice Talent: The Voice of Corn